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Positive Behaviour Support 

Positive Behaviour Support is a holistic and evidence-based behavioural intervention that focuses on challenging behaviours of clients with a disability by improving their support network's understanding of the behaviour's meaning, antecedents, and outcomes. 

A Positive Behaviour Support Plan is a product that describes and analyses the client's behaviour and provides strategies and implementation advice for the care and support network of the client with the challenging behaviour. 

The ultimate goal of the intervention is for the client with a disability to live the highest possible quality of life, free of any restrictive practices and risk of harm. 

Increased Quality of Life

Limit Challenging Behaviours

Benefits of Positive Behaviour Support

Reduce Restrictive Practices

Improved Caregiver Relationships 

Increased Skills and Supportive Actions

Two people outside together

We are ready to work with you! 

Call us for a confidential chat

If you are ready to engage with a PBS practitioner that provides a clients centered and holistic service designed to improve your quality of life, reach out to us today by submitting a referral form. We are keen to support you. 

Steps involved in Positive Behaviour Support services

Need a Functional Behaviour Assessment? 

A Functional Behaviour Assessment is the first step towards understanding a person's behaviour and implement strategies to protect your loved ones from harm, injury, or restrictive practices. 

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Fees, Rebates & Funding 

Core Counselling & Consultancy provides behaviour support services through the NDIS and charges according to the NDIS Price Guide, under Capacity Building, Improved Relationships. 

If you are an NDIS Participant but do not have funding available under Capacity Building, you may be eligible to use other funding to access a Functional Behaviour Assessment. Please reach out to us to discuss options, or speak with your plan manager for further details. 

Frequently Asked Questions about PBS

Is the intervention directed at the client or at the support network? 

This depends on several factors, and is often a combination of both. If the client has any capacity or ability to learn new strategies, this will always be included in therapeutic recommendations by the PBS practitioner. For the PBS Plan and implementation to be successful, the PBS practitioner relies heavily on the cooperation and input from the care and support team to collect information and data to fully understand the behaviour and its function, to guarantee the best possible outcome for the client and their environment. 

What funding is necessary to utilise services from a PBS practitioner? 

PBS services are funded under "Improved Relationships", which is a component of the Capacity Building section. A client is allowed to use their "Improved Daily Living" funding for assessment and recommendation to obtain the necessary funding for PBS Services. 

How many hours are necessary to write a PBS Plan? 

This is not an easy question to answer, as it depends on different factors, the individual situation of the client, and any restrictive practices. Usually the service includes several stages, including Assessment & Data Collection, Analysis & Report Writing, and Implementation & Training, which combined can be 40+ hours. Please contact Core Counselling & Consultancy for a confidential conversation about options.  

What do I need to know about restrictive practices? 

A restrictive practice is an action that is taken to control or stop a behaviour of concern that violates the rights of the person with a disability. For example, if a person with a disability is not able to unlock the door to go outside due to risks, this is considered an environmental restrictive practice, as the person is not free to move about where they want to go. Other types of restrictive practices are chemical, mechanical, physical, and seclusion. A restrictive practice should always be the last resort, and minimised in time and frequency, and needs to be documented and reviewed by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Standards. 

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