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Functional Behaviour Assessment

A functional behaviour assessment (FBA) identifies the function of a behaviour that a person may display. The outcome of an FBA is written in a report and primarily used to obtain funding for further support or therapies. 

Behaviour = Communication

As humans, we do not only communicate with our words. We use our body language and behaviour to communicate our intentions, feelings, and needs. Often, people struggle to understand behaviour or do not recognise it as communication. 

Every situation in which behaviour plays a role has its "ABC's":

A = Antecedent 
B = Behaviour
C = Consequence  

Woman in Wheelchair Drinking Coffee

Each individual has the right to live safely and with adequate support to live with the highest possible quality of life. 

How we can help with behaviours of concern

Some behaviours happen very suddenly and can be explosive or intense. If a behaviour may lead to property damage or someone getting harmed, we refer to it as a "behaviour of concern". 

Behaviours of concern are not acts of violence or aggression, but they may be perceived that way by people nearby. An individual who displays a behaviour of concern is often unable to communicate their message in any other way. 

By conducting an FBA, a behaviour support practitioner can help parents and carers better understand why a person's behaviour occurs and teach them different strategies to de-escalate or prevent it from happening often.

An FBA generally relies on multiple sources of information, such as:

  • A review of the person's school records (if school age)

  • Interviews with parents and caregivers or support staff

  • Collection of direct observation data (for example, at home, at school, at a SIL)

  • Identification of any medical diagnostics 

  • Analysis of environmental conditions 


An FBA is an often-used intervention for developing a positive behaviour support plan or obtaining the funding for such a plan through the NDIS. Especially for challenging or damaging behaviours, this assessment is helpful to ensure the most successful outcome from the plan implementation. 


Endorsed practitioners conduct FBAs through the NDIS or can be accessed privately if a person is not yet a participant in the scheme. The number of hours needed for an FBA depends on the situation and the amount of data that needs to be collected, but it may vary between 10 and 15 hours, including report writing. 




Functional Behaviour Assessment

An FBA is an assessment to identify the function of any behaviours considered "concerning". The assessment includes a report describing the outcome. The report is evidence for obtaining funding or access to further support or therapies that can help the person reduce the occurrences of the behaviour and the risk of harm. 

An FBA often also identifies if restrictive practices are used. If this is the case, further steps towards a PBSP are often necessary. 

You can read more information about restrictive practices here



Positive Behaviour Support Plan

A PBSP is an extensive and thorough plan that includes the outcome of a functional behaviour assessment, but provides further essential information such as: ​

  • Additional assessments to further describe the function of the behaviour

  • Strategies to prevent, de-escalate, and reduce behaviours of concern

  • Identification and assessment of any restrictive practices, including a plan to reduce or eliminate them

  • Evaluation criteria for ongoing support and monitoring

  • Training for support staff

Further services often included with positive behaviour support include communication with NDIS Commission and liaison with stakeholders. 

Steps involved towards a Positive Behaviour Support Plan

What sevices are required? (check all that apply)
What type of service do you or your client prefer?
Are you, or is your client, an NDIS Participant?
Do you, or your client, have a GP Mental Heath Care Plan?
Do you, or your client, have an Eating Disorder Treatment and Management Plan?
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Thank you for your referral. We will be in touch soon!

Let's Work Together!

If your loved one is in need of a Functional Behaviour Assessment or other behavioural interventions, please fill out the referral form below for us to get in touch with you to discuss options. Alternatively, call us on 04 3547 3342.

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Did you know? 

We provide Evidence Based Treatment for Eating Disorders. 

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