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Clinical Supervision

Clinical supervision allows health practitioners to develop enhanced reflective skills essential to continued advancing practice and contribute to improvements in the safety of their clinical interventions.

Maintaining professional registration is necessary for most health practitioners to practice their profession. A practitioner must obtain several clinical supervision hours yearly to maintain their registration. 


Core Counselling & Consultancy offers clinical supervision to social workers and mental health professionals. Our certified supervisors are registered with the AASW as a Mental Health Social Worker and certified to provide supervision in the mental health field. 

Business Meeting

Supervision ensures that practitioners in the mental health field are adequately skilled and resourced to provide high-quality and safe interventions to their clients. 

Professional and ethical guidelines bind supervisors to promote mental health practitioners' personal and professional development and continuously improve their practice outcomes. 

Clinical supervision supports: 

  • High-quality mental health services with positive outcomes for clients

  • Well-trained, highly skilled and supported practitioners

  • Development, retention, and motivation for practitioners

  • Attention to self-care and burn-out prevention

About me

My name is Lot Keijzer

For nearly twenty years I have worked in the mental health and disability fields, providing services to clients across the lifespan. 

I have worked in hospital settings, community teams, residential facilities, outreach, in-patient units, forensic clinics, and private practice. Besides clinical experience, I am a trained and experienced leader and business owner. 

As a registered Mental Health Social Worker, I love providing services to my clients and their families, but I also look after myself; I practice self-care and obtain supervision to ensure I can continue showing up to work. 


If you want to read more about me, you can do that here. Or call me, for a confidential chat! 

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